How to eat healthy this Winter

1. Soup

Not only is soup perfect to warm you up on those super chilly days, but it can also act asa low calorie way to help curb your appetite. Studies have shown that indulging in a bowl of soup before a meal can actually cut down the overall amount of calories that you will take in. Choosing from soups that contain between 100 and 150 calories is your best bet. This quick and easy food will warm your soul and trim your waist!

2. Fruit

While shopping for fruit doesn’t have the same level of excitement during the winter as it does in the summer, don’t skip out on those oranges and grapefruits! Fruit contains many nutrients and is high in water content which in return tricks your body into believing that is is more full. A few options of fruit that will be in season include, kiwis, clementines and pears.

3. Never Skip Breakfast

We have been told for quite some time now that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it’s so true! A breakfast that is a little higher in calories, from around 200-300 will really kick-start your day. Enjoy some whole grains like your favorite oatmeal paired with lean protein like peanut butter or almonds. Try your best to avoid refined white starch as these don’t keep our blood sugar steady and lead to us feeling tired and sluggish. Eating the right breakfast will boost your metabolism and set the path for your calorie intake for the rest of the day.

4. Indulge… the Right Way

On cold winter days our cravings for high calorie comfort food is at an all time high. However, you don’t have to cut out these delicious foods entirely, just mix the recipes up a bit by trading in a lower fat substitute. For meals that require quite a bit of butter, like mac and cheese, opt it for some low-fat cottage cheese. The cottage cheese will not only thicken the meal, but provide some extra flavor. The same can be done by swapping out milk in dishes with non-fat greek yogurt.

5. Water

Drinking water is probably one of the most obvious and easy do tips for eating well. Not only do our bodies naturally need about 2.7 liters of fluids throughout the day but with the dry heat cranked during the winter, it heightens our need for water. When our bodies are deprived of water we can often confuse this for hunger and wind up taking in too many extra calories, so next time reach for a glass of ice cold water first and then see how you feel.

6. Limit Alcohol

While this one can very tough for us wine-loves, especially around the holidays, your body will be sure to thank you. Alcohol has tons of calories and it is so easy to not realize how much you’re really taking in when you’re sipping and not chewing. To slow down your pace drink a glass of water for each alcoholic beverage consumed to control calories.

7. Eat Before Attending Holiday Parties

Eating the right foods at home before you head out to your best friends holiday party will help curb your cravings. Indulge in some lean proteins and veggies before you head out the door and you’ll be less likely to load your plate up with high calorie treats. Of course we have to try some of the sweets, so stick to the two-bite rule. Two bites is just enough to fulfill your craving without loading up on calories and sugar.