I love shoes so much, I feel I have a special relationship with each and one of them. Regardless of price or brand, when I like a shoes I like a shoe and that’s when the love affair begins. Every pair of shoes reminds me of a moment in time. Douglas says he has counted around 300+ pairs (but who’s counting I know I’m not)!

But I think I am a pretty savvy buyer, I try (really hard) not to pay full price because eventually everything goes on sale. But there has been a few times

a couldn’t resist, some I have regretted and some I couldn’t be more proud of.

And then there are those pairs of shoes I never want to let go, and I always want to where over and over again. But I always to for a way to every a twist (my own personal spin), like I love to use my dresses tie belt as tie necks (that could be my next how to post).

In this post I want to show how to transform your favorites shoes and take them to the next level. It is so easy as 1-2-3 (literally).

  1. Get your favorite pair of shoes (these Old Navy Sandals are my favorite right now)
  2. Grab a pair of Brooches (pins) I love vintage ones because of can never find two alike, so I put a different one on each shoe.
  3. Pin the brooch to your shoes, and voila just like that new and updated version of your favorite shoes.
How to take your shoes new again-DIY

1. Pair of shoes

How to make your shoes new again

2. Pair of brooches

How to make your shoes new again

How to make your shoes new again

3. Pin the brooches to the shoes

I thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this easy fashion DIY as much as I did. I will be sharing more of my tips and tricks in future post, so stay tuned for that. Hope you have a super duper day!

With Lots of Love,

[typography font=”Reenie Beanie” size=”40″ size_format=”px” color=”#e80083″]XO  [typography font=”Architects Daughter” size=”32″ size_format=”px”]Rossana

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