Most people tend to skip breakfast because they over slept or really just don’t care about eating in the morning. The Fact of the matter is that eating in the morning is what keeps your energy up and keeps you less likely to pig out later in the day, which makes you gain weight. What are the best types of foods to keep you healthy?


1). Oatmeal- Eating #oatmeal for breakfast is one of the #healthiest ways to keep yourself full longer during the day. Also research has been done to show that oatmeal lowers cholesterol, and it is full of #omega3 #fattyacids, #folate and #potassium. Also to give it a bit more flavor you can add some fruit and nuts, and your good to go.



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2). Green Smoothie- Drinking a #greensmoothie is great for your #health and well being. By having #potassium and iron it gives you the perfect way to make your body feel good. A great smoothie #recipe is one where you can mix both leafy greens and #fruits to make the perfect tasty creation. A cup of Spinach, mango, banana, pineapple and kiwi, gives a tropical twist to your average green smoothie.. enjoy!



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3). Protein-Packed- This is type of #breakfast is great for people that are on a #lowcarbdiet and great for most athletes because it helps you stay lean while building more #muscle. This type of breakfasts stimulates the brain and muscles so you can stay on you a-game all day. This breakfast usually consists of lean meats like turkey bacon and also include some eggs, cheese, and a form of fiber.



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