Let’s Talk Climate!
Let’s Talk Climate Change with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), shall we?
Talking about climate is not something most people are comfortable talking about. You can say it’s a touchy subject but it shouldn’t be. I mean we only have one world, one earth, so have to take care of it.

I love thinking of new ways to style something over and over again, it was a thing that I’ve done since I was little.
I mean I have pieces that I’ve had for years and I love to mix them with new ones, to make very unique looks.
Climate change
Talking about climate is not something most people are comfortable talking about. You can say it’s a touchy subject but it shouldn’t be. I mean we only have one world, one earth, so have to take care of it.

And a huge part of that is educating ourselves because when I don’t know something I ask, I do my research and come up with my own conclusion and also compare it with others and that’s how the conversation starts.
I am such an outdoorsy person, I love the beach, boating, jet skiing, etc., and when I moved to LA 11 years ago from Miami, I fell in love with hiking, getting to the top of a hill for that endless view. When you are outdoors a lot, you take in all the beauty that is this earth we live in. And you see and feel everything, in Miami it was the hurricanes and in LA the fires. So for me being outdoors as much as I can it very important, it’s like I’m one with the world.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) put together some tips to help you navigate this tricky terrain. For more than 65 years, TNC has been leading the way forward toward a future where nature and people can thrive together. With more than 500 scientists on staff working in all 50 states and in 72 countries around the world, TNC is focused on innovative solutions that match the urgency of the climate crisis. But we halt the catastrophic march of climate change if we don’t talk about it. Download the “Let’s Talk Climate” ebook by entering your name and email to learn how to start a conversation on climate change.
So Let’s Talk Climate to start a conversation with a family member, friend, colleague, etc.
I’ve started that conversation with my friends, we are a very passionate group of people.
We talk about what we hear in the news, what we have experienced ourselves. We are no experts but love to learn, to listen and talk about and that’s exactly how a conversation starts.
Make sure to download the Let’s Talk Climate ebook to start a climate conversation as well.
Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. This was a learning process for me and I’m hungry to keep on learning more. Working with The Nature Conservancy has been that, a learning experience. So Let’s Talk Climate again and again.With Lots of Love,
xo Rossana