I have a thing with street art; it’s just so pretty and makes any photo shoot better. But seriously LA is full of hidden art, murals, graffiti, etc all the way from the beaches to downtown. And I just love to look for new ones all the time, it’s kind of my obsession with hidden stairs but that’s a subject for another time.
LA has been super warm these last few days, so this Old Navy outfit was the perfect choice. This look is all Old Navy, well except for the shoes. As you may know by my post I really really really love blue and I end up going back to it over and over again, and the harder I try not to some times, I do.
I don’t know exactly how the look started, I walked in to my local Old Navy in Santa Monica and I think a got the shorts first, not really sure though. And then the top and the blazer, I actually got pieces as separates but when I got home I put all the pieces in on my bed and it looked just perfect, so that’s how this look came to be. I just got the bag the week before and there you have it, and cute and effortless outfit. How do like to dress for hot days? Do you like this look of the day; you know I love to read you comments.
With Lots of Love.
[typography font=”Reenie Beanie” size=”32″ size_format=” px” color=”#e80083″]XO [typography font=”Architects Daughter” size=”32″ size_format=”px”]Rossana Vanoni
Outfit Details
Jacket (Wearing) | Top (Wearing) | Shorts (Wearing) | Shoes (Old, similar: here) | Bag (Wearing) | Sunglasses (Wearing) | Bracelet (Wearing, wearing)
Photo credit: Douglas Lagos
Thanks for checking out my blog. I love your blog and the outfits 😀