Celebrating My Birthday In Quarantine

I haven’t posted since May 8, 2019, since I was diagnosed with Liposarcoma cancer. Last year was a rough year, I had to undergo 2 surgery, plus 25 rounds of radiation therapy. I will get into more details on another post. I’m so happy to be back on this platform, that is my blog and hope to continue sharing with thoughts, my passions and tips.

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Celebrating My Birthday In Quarantine
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Since last year, I had the idea of celebrating my birth in Miami with my family and friends.

Because turning 50 is a BIG deal, I wanted to go back to my hometown, and go all out.

We were going to rent a house, and some of my closest friends were going to travel to Miami to celebrate with me.

Celebration in Miami

My elementary school friend Alexandra was going to come from Ecuador. And my middle-schools friends Anto was coming from Chile and Ricardo was coming from Seattle.

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Celebrating My Birthday In Quarantine

I was going to order my favorite cake from Sweet Art by Lucila, they make the best cuban rum cake in the world. I wanted a big 5 0 cake.

I also wanted a Mariachi band, I’ve always wanted that it, I remember my dad and mom always hiring a band for their special birthdays.

Well now we know none of that happen cuz of the corona virus. When all of this pandemic situation started, I never thought it would get to this. We were still looking to change our travel dates, but the closer it got to the date, we knew it wasn’t going to happen. And when they said that people with underline health conditions, like cancer patients were at a higher risk, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere, and would start to self quarantine. But celebrating my birthday in quarantine, although was weird, it was that bad.

But you know what, I truly believe everything happens for a reason. My husband Douglas, starting working from home, so is my daughter and my daughter Sabrina started online school. My son Luca, lost his job as a chef in a restaurant in Venice.

But we have gotten closer together, and spend more time as a family of all adults, but they will always be our babies.

Hope you have a super duper day!

With Lots of Love,

xo Rossana

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Safe At Home

Instead of all the things I wanted, I got El Torito, delivery of my favorite Mexican food and a pitcher of Margarita, yay!

And my daughters baked a cake from scratch, and honestly I couldn’t be happier.

I know this will all pass, but I don’t want things to go back to normal, I want things to be better, and that we can a live a simpler life. One of the many things I’ve learned throughout these 2 months, is that we don’t need that many things to be happy, and that’s how I want to live from now on.

I have decluttered my home, like nobody’s business, I have donated, sold and gotten ride of things and I’m still not done. Well that’s for another post, stay tuned!



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