Top foods for a beautiful you. Photo Credit:

Although you have your #beauty products and #workouts nothing is going o help you more than a #lifestyle #diet that will benefit you on the long run. The way we feed our bodies affects our appearance and our overall health, but what type of foods will be best for us? Eating a daily amount of #fruits and #vegetables will help keep our hearts in the best shape it can be.

So what can we eat to keep our bodies healthy?

An Overall Glow
You don’t always need to spend some time outside to get a glow, what you can do is an eat a daily serving of fruits and vegetables and i promise you your skin will be looking fresh and new and you’ll be sporting a healthy glow everyone will notice.

Some foods to choose are: Leafy greens, carrots, apricots, peaches and pumpkin.

Get Whiter Teeth
Having a great smile and amazing white teeth are the first things i notice about a person. Many types of foods will leave your teeth stained like alcohol, coffee and especially fruits that have a very high acidic content. Your best bet is to have your daily dose of dairy in your meals.

Some foods to choose: Cheese, milk, greek yogurt.

Dark Spots
The pesky blemish or as some call it age spot is one of the most complained about spots on the skin. Although as stated before many call it an age spot its more about your daily intake of sun and how much sunblock your using when out with the glaring sun. By using sunscreen it will help the skin not develop so many blemishes, but super foods are also going to help a great deal on keeping your skin as amazing as possible.

Some foods to choose: Green Tea, Tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit.

Acne free: Smooth skin
although some people are born with amazing skin, most will develop some type of acne problem either mild or chronic. Many dream about having acne free smooth skin but don’t know how to make that dream come true. Some reasons you may be breaking out on your face or your body might be because of clogged pores. Eating foods high in sugar and carbs is keeping your skin from being hydrated. So a change of diet would be great for this problem.

Some Foods to choose: Red Meat (Moderately), kidney beans, lentils and wild salmon.

Last but not least…..DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise it will make a huge difference.

Which top foods are beautiful for you? Let me know below.